

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Breakfast for Breakfast - Buttermilk Biscuits

When I first met my husband, we were flat broke.  Together, we had a combined amount of spending money that equaled, like, nothing.  But I knew he was for me.  I didn't know how I knew, but I knew.  One night, as we discussed what we could do while hanging out, we determined we didn't have the money to go out.  Also, he lived in the middle of nowhere at the time and it was more trouble than it was worth - we'd already lost one car to an angry deer.  He looked at me and said, "Hey - have you ever had breakfast for dinner?"

It was a sign.

I realize this may be a THING for a lot of people, but until he mentioned it, I didn't realize families other than my own would do breakfast for dinner.  My mom would offer this suggestion at least once a month growing up and I never turned it down.  Usually it was some kind of breakfast meat, scrambled eggs and her mom's homemade buttermilk biscuits.  She also made these biscuits with her roast and omg...nothing is better.

So this morning when my dogs played their typical Saturday morning game -

Chanel: I'm bored.  Let's put down our weapons of war and make a truce to get outside RIGHT NOW.
Gina: YES!
Chanel: If I scratch my collar, and you do that horrible hacking thing you only do between the hours of 2:00AM and 8:00AM, Mom will get up!
Chanel: jinglejinglejinglejingle

-I got back inside and turned on the tv to the Food Network to watch people cooking.  No greater inspiration.  My tummy is funny in the mornings, thanks to our Baby Boy, and while I tried to decide what to make, biscuits came to mind.  Even years ago, when I was homesick for my mom, or when I could tell it was about to get chilly (for Houston, that's about 75 at night), I would make these and call her.  So, upset stomach and missing my mom made me crave these biscuits today.

The issues I have when I want to make these are that I never have Shortening or Buttermilk in my house.  Shortening you do have to have - the good news is once you've bought it, it lasts forever.  I never use mine unless I'm making these, homemade pie crust, or snickerdoodles, which means I buy a can a year, and I don't mean the Sams size cans.  Normal, tiny can.  Buttermilk, however, you do NOT have to have.  In fact, I've been doing this for years, but I just heard Pioneer Woman tell everyone how to do this on her show this morning!

Put a tablespoon of white vinegar in a measuring cup.  Pour in milk (any kind but skim will work) until you hit the 1 cup mark.  Let it sit for 5 minutes.  When you stir it, you'll see some funky separation and grossness. Face it - buttermilk IS gross.

See?  Clots=Gross.  But tasty in bread.  I never said cooking made sense.

Buttermilk Biscuits

Oven temp.  450
Makes about 15 biscuits

2 cups flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
5 tablespoons shortening
1 cup buttermilk

Sift together all the dry ingredients.  I used my whisk again.  Then you cut in the shortening.  I used to think I could do this with a fork, but that was NOT true.  I needed this funky little tool that my mom got me when I complained enough.  

If you know what this is called, PLEASE tell me.

Basically, you put the 5 tablespoons in your bowl of flour and run this through it.  

It's kind of a mess, but when you get to where most of the dry stuff has touched the shortening, you can stir in the milk.

This dough is RIDICULOUSLY sticky.  Set out some wax paper or baking paper, and dust it with flour.  Cover your rolling pin with flour.  I LOVE my rolling pin.  It was a Christmas gift from my husband.  He knows me so well.  The measurements are seriously helpful when you're making crusts, even cookies, or a kransekake , which I did last year for the first time and it was SO much fun.  Anyway, you want this dough to be about 1/2 an inch thick.  
I need to learn to take better pictures.  :(

So my mom had this ancient round cutter that must've been her mom's.  I don't know what happened to it - it could've been tossed by her years ago for being rusty or something.  I don't have one but I have these awesome glasses.  My very good friend, and bridesmaid, Amanda gave us our glasses for a wedding gift.  She's a NICU nurse, so not only does she give great gifts and advice, she's an amazing person.
A lot of shout-outs in this blog!  Crate & Barrel no longer makes these.

Spray a cooking sheet with nonstick spray, and place the cut biscuits on the tray.  You don't have to worry about them expanding a lot.  They stay put.  Bake 10-14 minutes, or until golden brown on top.

Enjoy them!  They'd be great for homemade Egg McMuffins, or with jelly (apple is my favorite).  They even make pretty good shortcake bases if you don't mind them missing some sweetness.  


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